“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” – 2 Corinthians 4:17 (NIV)

Time fascinates us. It rules our lives, defining our moments here on earth. Time is the essence of our life, the measure of our existence while we are here. But in eternity, time ceases to exist. There is no ending, only the Timekeeper who says there’s more time—more time to do what? What is eternity like?

Eternity is never-ending. It’s forever. There’s no stopping, no ceasing. When we experience moments of pleasure, like the newly married young man who wished his joy with his wife would last forever, we want those moments to never end. We crave eternal pleasure, but we want pain and discomfort to stop quickly.

Interestingly, to reach eternal pleasure, we often have to endure present pain. In this lifetime, the path to eternal joy leads through pain, discomfort, persecution, trials, and tribulations. This is the price we pay for an eternity filled with pleasure.

God’s Word to Us:

“I have not called you for pleasure in this life, but in My eternity. I have called you not for the temporary, but for the eternal, to rule with Me. There will be pleasure like you have never experienced, and it will make the small trials of this life seem minuscule. It will all be worth it in the end. I love you, My children, and I want your eternal happiness. I am willing to allow your temporary pain so that you may be free eternally.”

Do you find yourself focused on temporary pleasures or on the eternal joy that God has promised? Reflect on how your present challenges are preparing you for an eternity of joy and fulfillment with the Lord.

Lord, help me to keep my eyes on eternity and not be consumed by the temporary pleasures or pains of this world. Thank You for the promise of eternal joy, and give me the strength to endure the trials that lead to Your everlasting peace. Amen.

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