v6 Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:

Although we can gain great insight and wisdom through divine impartation from the Lord, oftentimes we learn through the wise practices of others. In this scripture it tells us to look to the ant and take keen consideration of her ways and gain wisdom from observing her habits. However, the true lesson behind this is to find someone we consider wise. Study their pattern of behavior, their habits, as well as the results of these patterns and habits. The path to wisdom can then be paved by modeling or applying these learned wise principles to our life.

v23 For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:

One challenge that we may have is to know what choices to make and which direction to go in life. We may go through periods of uncertainty which can hinder us from growth as well as stop us in our tracks because of indecision. This passage lets us know how to avoid it. The commandments and law provides clarity and direction. Often viewed as restrictive, the commandments, in actuality, can be liberating. When followed they bring us clear directives. The lamp shows the way during our travels. As our life is a journey, it’s comforting to know that we have clear guidlines. The lamp is the Word. I And when held high, gives the most light for our path. Therefore the commandments should be esteemed, not avoided.  The law is like a flashlight, pointing the way ahead.. By it we gain illumination for the road ahead so we can avoid pitfalls and missteps. Finally, instructions are the way for us to have life.
Many times people think that the laws and commandments found in the Word are restrictive and prohibitive.  They see them for all of the “do nots” and “don’t do’s”, but in actuality these are really the keys to successful life.  These laws are really to guide us. The Word tells us here that the commandment is a lamp and a light. It also goes on to say it is the way of life.  We should see laws and commandments of the Lord as positive. Something that you can pattern your life after so that you can have life and have it more abundantly!

As for correction, many times receiving correction may be challenging. But as it empathizes as well as encourages in the book of Hebrews, chapter 12:11, “Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” Our lives can significantly be improved and made right with constructive, beneficial correction.

Lessons For Life – Proverbs 6
Posted by: samuelstewart at 00:00, June 25 2010.

Video Synopsis: Consider the ways of the ant. The ant knows when to harvest, gather, work; the ant is diligent. Sometimes we may be unsure of when to work or when it’s time to harvest. It’s important to make this distinction for we may end up harvesting when we should be working and vice versa. Rest after you have completed your work; don’t waste time sleeping when you have not done your task because you will not get the true rest you are looking for; sleep is a reward after accomplishing a task; chew on this and consider the ways of the ant.

2Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.
Our mouths, and the words we say are extremely important.  Our Pastor taught us that the words we speak determine our actions.  We should be speaking positive words that line up with what we may want to manifest in our life. Just like “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us”, so too will the words we speak become flesh and manifest in our experiences. This that we don’t truly want in our lives should never be spoken.
We see Genesis 1 what great power the spoken can have. God framed and formed the entire world with His words.  His words were what brought everything on the scene.  We do the same things in our lives.  Mindful and wise choices of our words is critical to our overall well-being.

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