Day 21 – Protecting Your Church

3 Responses

  1. Day 21
    Poetic Thought

    “Protect the Church”

    The sanctuary is sanctified
    Clean the corners of the church where betrayals may reside
    Protect the church
    Give it honor and praise
    For the Spirit of God is waiting for you
    So be not dismayed
    No matter the distractions Jesus’s sacrifice is there to stay
    So, protect the church
    That’s how you protect the family
    I just need a witness
    Is there one person that would stand with me?
    Be careful of gossip
    Don’t focus too much on the differences
    Believe in the spirit of healing
    Respect your pastor enough to keep on listening
    Listen to the word
    Received from Our God
    This is how we Protect Our Church
    This is how we honor Our God

    “Protection is honor, wrapped in belief, tied to the sacrifice Jesus endured for you and me”

  2. As this chapter tells us that “Unity is the soul of fellowship. If it is destroyed then we have ripped the heart out of Christ body “ We as believers must try to get along with others. Gossip should be discourage instead try to give a helping hand to someone who needs help. The Bible tells us “We have to be patient with each other making allowance for each other faults because of your love.” We must be responsive to our. pastoral leaders by listening to their council.

  3. It is critical to cover our church leadership in prayer because everything rises and falls on leadership. The Bible says smite the shepherd and the sheep scatter. The enemy would want to attack the church leadership as a way of dividing and breaking down the church but our job is to constantly lift them up, support them, encourage them, and appreciate their gifts. Sometimes we forget that our church leaders are human and have hurts and disappointments and can become emotionally drained with the burdens of the flock. They have a special God given assignment and our assignment is to support them in doing it.

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