5 Responses

  1. Sometimes what drives one may not even be something negative like greed, or lust, or envy, or anger but it could be something positive like wanting to please others or make others happy. On the surface one could say that’s not a bad thing but taken to the extreme might be considered a negative driving force. We have learned from my pastor that anything taken to the extreme becomes error. So for instance always going overboard to please others at the expense of self is what my children might say is the driving force in my life. This was a good chapter because self reflection opens the door for positive change!

    1. I think that is exactly the point the author is making, the subtle “positive” driving forces of our lives are in reality negative. We think these forces are good and beneficial, but in reality are another way for us to live our lives not with Our Father’s purpose in mind. Attempting to please other people may feel good on the surface but we really have to consider is this what pleases God? As I consider further, oftentimes we are driven by what we perceive to be positive outcomes or rewards – such as praise from other individuals in this case. But, who really offers the best rewards? Clearly it is The Most High.
      Thanks for your comment!

  2. Day 3
    What a read! What a revelation! I can honestly say that at times I am driven by guilt. There’s no way I can have a purpose driven life if I rely on my past to make decisions for my future. I am a victim of self sabotage and God didn’t bring me here to live a life of self inflicted abuse.

    A few weeks ago I was telling myself that I want to live with purpose. Everything I do I want it to be purposeful and God granted me the opportunity to go on this journey with this reading.

    “Never confuse activity with productivity”
    I felt that!

    To answer the question at the end.. I’m unsure of what my family would say is the driving force of my life. They would probably think it’s acting or something. But, what I want it to be is God. I want them to know that God is the driving force in my life. I think it’s time to not even be the passenger in the car, but I need to just park my car for now and ride it out with the Lord.
    “I want peace. I want prosperity. So I need my life to be driven by purpose.”

    1. Our Bishop says.. “We can be busy but not productive”. Busyness just fills our time while purpose will fill our lives. You are right, Romans 8:1 says that we are no longer held under condemnation and are set free because of what Christ did for us. So using the chains of condemnation, guilt and shame are really not driving our lives anywhere, but rather holding us back from the greatness the Most High has for each of us to accomplish. I do remember the past so I don’t repeat it, but more importantly I live for the future!

  3. Hey Paulette,
    Self reflection definitely opens the door for positive changes! I agree with you when you said, certain things that drives others may not be bad but taking things to the extreme can create error. That’s me all the way. I can do good but abuse it. Any extra time spent trying to manipulate change isn’t going to allow God to lead my life to a place of purpose. This is a great post.
    Thank you for sharing!

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